Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 11

Today was the day that put me in the clear for my hours. I now have 72 total hours in the Athletic Training Room. Chris and I had dish duty so we utilized it to put the water jugs through and kill two birds with one stone. When I got toe Athletic Training Room, I had a couple more things to do for Spring cleaning. We cleaned out the freezers and organized a couple more things for next fall. Then Chris and I went around the whole field house and all the locker rooms looking for towels because people tend to steal them every year, we found at least 20 towels. Then Keith and I headed to the softball team vs. faculty game. It was the only athletic event today so we had to go, and it was nice to see my first softball game. Eric Viandier got a decent size cut on his leg and we took care of it since Kelly was playing and Chris was not there, we wrapped it up unassisted and it was a nice feeling. The gator battery died on us so we had to charge it up with security before we could return back to the office.

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