Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 5

I was unable to blog last night because I was at the Bruins game all night, so here is my blog for Friday. It was a shorter day because I left early to go into Boston, but it was enough time to get accomplished what needed to be done. At 930 am Chris and I sat down to focus on the chest and shoulders. He gave me exercises to do and walked me through them showing me exactly what they are targeting and we were able to relate it to the new vocabulary I have been learning. Then I went back to the Athletic Training Room to fill up the waters and distribute them to their fields. I should be a professional gator driver. When I got back I did the usual with Keith, which is practicing taping ankles and wrapping shoulders until it starts getting busy with athletes. I then went to the gym to help stretch and warm up a couple of athletes before their practice. I also helped spot Oliver Moore in the weight room and was able to enlighten him on some of the things Chris has been teaching me about the weight room. Oliver graciously thanked me and plans on using the tips as soon as tomorrow! When talking more about building strength and preparing for a season or event, Chris gave me the word, periodization. This means to have a plan that leads up to the event. You do about 50% of your max load with 15-20 reps for a bout a month then you switch the weights higher and reps lower until about 2 and half months from now you are doing 1-3 reps of your max weight. On any body building website, they say periodization is the key to success. After doing a lot of careful observing of some work Chris and Kelly were doing on injured athletes, it was time to go. I finished the first 5 days with 31.5 hours so far and today is a game day so I can't wait.

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