Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 3

This was a different pace of work for me today. Today was my first game day so I had to get in there 2 hours earlier. I got in there at 930 am and Chris gave me some good stretches to target my sore areas and gave me some cardio exercises to get blood pumping to the sore muscles. After I brought the water out to the fields for the teams that had games and their competitors. Keith and I practiced taping each others ankles over and over again. I also practiced on a bunch of other people through out the day. Chris also taught me how to use the compression wrap which is more for walking around not support for games or practices. There was a lot of shin splints today so Chris made me look up the tendons and bones that are connected with the posterior tibialis. The novicular bone was the answer to what the tendon connects to. After reading up on that Chris gave me another book to look through and I looked at visuals of step by step ways to wrap ankles and wrists. I attended the girls varsity lacrosse game. It was the girls last senior game so they gave it their all and won. After the game I had to make some ice bags for the away team and tape it on them. When I headed back to the Athletic Training Room it was time to treat all of the returning athletes. I stretched out a few people for hamstrings and back. I went to retrieve all the waters and then cleaned everything off in the room and left for the day. Tomorrow should be a lot like the first two days and I will just keep practicing to get repetition so I can be more and more helpful every day.

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