Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 9

The days keep rolling bye in the Athletic Trainer's Room. Only a few more days left. Today I was in there for a while, working form 1030 am - 545 ish. I was present for the Boys Varsity lacrosse alumni game. It was good to see some of the older guys from last year and even older too. There were no injuries and it was not taken too serious by the guys. I was upstairs in storage doing a lot of cleaning out and re organizing today. We moved a huge cabinet up stairs and took a patient bench all the way to the rink that was upstairs. This is where my NEOC moving company days came in handy. I practiced wrapping with Keith and also did some more tape jobs. Today we also starting the cleaning up process and prep for next year as well. So we made about 1,000 heel and lace pads for next year. Then I filled up the whirl pool with hot water to clean it. It started to over flow with suds and I thought I was doing something wrong but Chris said it was normal. I helped out some kids in the weight room today as well and once again assisted people in signing in. The next couple days will be pretty low key so I can get a lot of practicing in and ask any last questions I may have.

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