Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Reflection 2

This week was another great week in the Athletic Training Room. I was a lot more useful this week and felt like I was actually part of the staff. The first week I spent most of my time watching and taking everything in so I can achieve my goals for the next week, which were to be able to directly assist Kelly and Chris.
I did all sorts of things this week. At the beginning of the week it was more learning and practicing. The next day I end up doing a bunch of stuff on my own. I was taping and wrapping actual patients and not messing up. Kids were telling me how I look like I actually know what I am doing and that felt good to know I was definitely getting something out of this because I was pretty clueless prior to this senior project.
The highlight of the week was at the softball faculty vs. team game when Keith and I were the only trainers on duty and Eric Viandier got a decent size cut and I got to treat him and fix it up myself with out the assistance of Chris or Kelly.
The whole second half of the week sports were over so we were focusing on wrapping up this year and preparing for next year. I was a spring cleaning force. We cleaned out all the old stuff and put useless things up in storage and brought a big table out to the rink for next hockey season. We washed all the ice chests, heat pad racks, ice bath machine and fridges. Then we made about 1,000 heel and lace pads for next year and re-did all the med kits and replaced the spring sports stickers with fall sports. It is amazing to see how prepared they will be for next fall when we leave this year. I didn’t realize how many regulations you have to go through to keep everything sterile and clean.
I have successfully been able to tape and wrap people and I feel that the knowledge I have gained in the past 2 weeks is greater than anything I could have even imagined taking in during my senior project. The whole experience was great, and I feel I have learned a great amount of the anatomy and the whole process and I know it will stick with me for a long time to come.

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